Through our hands, we shape the world around us, imprinting change and transformation onto matter, while also delving beyond
their entire lives from birth to death. Clothes and linens are indeed successive layers of our skin, the layer that allows our individual
intimacy to communicate with others just as a dwelling – the evolution of shelter, projection of a den, of a nest – is the additional
layer that stands between the private and the public, social dimension. The installation reminds the digital age man of the power of
hands to connect us with the world, to shape the environment that surrounds and welcomes us. As Henri Focillon wrote in his “In
Praise of the Hand”: “The action of the hand defines the emptiness of space and the fullness of the things that occupy it. (…) Man
first recognizes them between his fingers, on the palm of his hand. (…) Touch fills nature with myster ious forces.